Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Live and Jive Five - Week 5

The Jive Five
28.   Cardinals – 4 losses in a row has the state of Arizona looking to deport Kevin Kolb to Mexico.
29.   Dolphins – The only thing that kept this team from falling lower is that they had a bye.  Will be 0-5, at NY Jets next week.
30.   Eagles – Holy Moly! Talk about a bad situation.  This team made my Jive Five 2 weeks ago as a joke, but they have lived up to their ranking.  Vick may go back to holding dog fights to get away from this losing team.
31.   Rams – Had a Bye this week, may be the only week they don’t get a loss.  It’s not looking too promising for the 32nd ranked offense verses the #1 ranked Packers next week.
32    Colts – The above picture explains how Colt fans feel when they wake up every day.

The Live Five
1.      Packers – Big second half by the Pack - if the defense figures it out, it’s over!
2.      Lions – First 5-0 start since 1956, imagine the NFL was still locked out – we would all still think that the Lions suck.
3.      Ravens – Bye week for these guys..  Resting up to put the hammer down on the quick dropping Texans.
4.      Patriots – Not sure if they have a defense, but the offense seems like it can play both sides of the ball if needed.
5.      Saints – Almost took it deep from the Camthers, but they came back like an oral herpes outbreak on Bourbon Street during Marti Gras. 

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