Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Pat Tilman Tribute by NHL Goalie

In a real classy move Jason LaBarbera the goaltender of the NHL’s Phoenix Coyotes will wear a mask designed by artist David Arrigo to honor U.S. and Canadian Armed Forces serving overseas. One side of the mask is dedicated to Pat Tillman the defensive back who played in the NFL for the Arizona Cardinals. Tillman quit football to enlist in the U.S. Army with his brother Kevin after the 9/11 terror attacks. Tilman was killed serving his country on April 22, 2004 in Afghanistan.

The mask shows Tilman with his brother Kevin in their U.S. Army fatigues, there is also a picture of Tilman in his #40 Arizona Cardinals jersey holding his football helmet. The other side of the mask depicts a soldier in red with a helicopter flying over his head. The front of the mask has a yellow ribbon, acknowledging those serving overseas.

Here are some quotes from the artist David Arrigo:
"I had read a book about Tillman prior to the request and had taken great interest in the story,"
"With all circumstances leading up to the passing of Pat Tillman aside, I felt that he put a face to the everyday soldier,"
"Personally, whether or not you agree with the actions overseas, I feel we need to support, to no end, our brave forces,"

In the age where current athletes are concerned with endorsement money, Twitter beefing, Cristal popping, model dating, it is nice to see LaBarbera paying respects to the men and women of the U.S. and Canadian armed forces.


  1. Nice job by the Coyotes goalie!

  2. Men like Tilman are the reason we are able to live in FREEDOM and not fear. The whole team should adopt this type of patriotic spirit and honor those who give them the freedom to take home fat checks, sip on Cristal, and grab their model girlfriends big fake tah-tah's.

  3. Tillman's alma matter, No. 1 party school in the universe, Arizona State University has worn PT 42 patches on their foorball jerseys since his death.
