Monday, October 17, 2011

Jim Schwartz and Jim Harbaugh - Hard Asses

There was a scuffle at the end of the 49ers 25-19 victory over the Lions yesterday.  Jim Schwartz took offense to the end of game greeting by Jim Harbaugh and went balistic causing the friction to escalate.  If you read Schwartz's lips, it looks like he's saying "What the F*ck?," before he charges back at the 49er Head Coach. According the the post game interviews, Schwartz felt like Harbaugh was being disrespectful and mentioned that a profanity may have been said during the encounter. 

During Harbaugh's post game press conference, he took full blame for the disagreement as he said, "I was just really revved up, and it's totally on me," Harbaugh went on, "I shook his hand too hard. I mean, I really went in and it was a strong kind of a slap, grab handshake. It was kind of like the same as I've been doing with (some 49ers players). So, that was on me." I sense a bit of sarcasim in that statement. 

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